What is a Jammita?

by | Feb 12, 2023 | English, Non Fiction, Stories | 6 comments

I’ve written stories for more than twenty years, but I haven’t published a single word (till now). The last part is not exactly 100% accurate. Because writing is a part of my current job, and it’s one of the favorite parts of my job. The words come so easily. I can write about pretty much anything. I just don’t write about myself. Who would want to read about me or the things that I have to say? That thought is what had stopped me for all these years. That inner voice became a personal demon that would continuously stop me from sharing my views with the world. And that inner voice is still there. It’s not gone, but it’s less evil than it used to be. Now it’s just an annoying, manageable monster. And it says kind things to me now and then, but it took a while for that inner monologue to change. And I didn’t do it on my own. I had the help of a few people, and information. Yes, information that I did not have before. Mostly psychology stuff that would help me self-reflect and be a little less tough on myself. 

So why am I doing this? Why now? Do people even read nowadays? And that is another thing that has also slowed me down. The thought that nobody reads anymore. That is a topic that is up for debate. I would like to believe that there are people that still read. I know that the whole “people don’t read anymore” has long been an overused statement. But if I can make one person smile or feel better one story at a time, I would have achieved my goal, because writing and letting people know that I exist is still better than hiding in my room with my movies. 

So what can you expect from now on? I aim to post a weekly story. It can be about something I did, witnessed, or experienced. It can be even something challenging, like a writing prompt. It can also be a review of my favorite sushi place or a series that I’ve been hooked on. It can be about anything. I make my own rules here. And I hope that you’ll stick around, read my stories, give me feedback, and maybe even some ideas. Sometimes we think we are so special and unique until we realize that the rest of the world, in a sense, has the same thoughts on things and that we have more in common than we thought, even though we are miles apart (sometimes).

You may have noticed a cute hamster and two doggos on my page. The hamster is mine, and its name is Max. The chocolate-colored dog is Brutus, and the caramel-colored one is Pacquiao. They are my beloved babies. The doggos live with my parents, but I see them almost every day. Pacquiao will be ten in April, and Brutus will be three in March.

Oh, and Jammita is a nickname that a relative gave to me when I was little. I thought it was kind of catchy, what do you think? 

Talk soon. Te otro biaha.



  1. Micheline Mathurin

    Jeanmiree! Mi ta super proud cu toch ba dicidi di habri bo blog!🥳 Mi lo support bo ideanan! Bo perspectives y views riba bida en general ta looking lo set bo apart di otro y mi ta sigur otro lo enjoy it tambe!😊

    • jammita

      Masha danki Micheline pa bo apoyo incondicional. Danki pa sigui pusha mi mas cerca di mi soñonan!

  2. Nichole

    Mi ta gusta e tono cu bo ta uza den bo writting. Ta zona hopi relatable mes. Mi ta sigur look forward pa lesa más si bo atriculo Nan. Succes mi ta spera bo haya hooooopi más readers y cu bo por logra saca afo locual cu bo lo desea. Más specifico mi ta spera e ta trece bo felicidad.

    • jammita

      Masha danki Nichole pa tur bo apoyo. Mi ta aprecia tur bo deseonan.

  3. Karla

    Nice intro jeanmi 😘 Excited to read your stories! ❤️ can’t wait!

    • jammita

      Thank you for all your support, Karlita!

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