Jammita’s 2024 Recap.

Jammita’s 2024 Recap.

Dear Diary, I’ve been busy this year. I haven’t had much time to talk to you. There’s just so many things I want to tell you. I feel different since the last time we spoke (for the better). I’m more (emotionally) mature now, and I’m just...
A Wheek Before New Year’s

A Wheek Before New Year’s

They heard the keys jangle as she rushed into the bedroom. She looked tired and preoccupied; she wanted to rest but still had much to do. She dropped her backpack on the floor as if she had forgotten her laptop. She’s home alone, she realizes when she notices...
Manda mi Dos Chick Papa Noel

Manda mi Dos Chick Papa Noel

Prome cu boso yama mi ‘Grinch’ di Pasco (pa (purba) di horta boso spirito navideño), laga mi cuminsa bisando cu e storia aki no ta pa critica ningun artista. E articulo di awe ta simplemente un reflexion di un cantica cu ainda ta basta popular durante temporada di fin...
Indecent proposal?

Indecent proposal?

In the last few weeks, I’ve been watching movies from the late 80s to the early 90s (not that that’s uncommon of me). I always like to see the differences between today’s cinematography and those from back then. I also love seeing 80’s and...