

Awe mainta mi a bay subi Hooiberg y mi a bin realisa cu bida ta manera subimento di Hooiberg (pa esnan cu tin hopi tempo sin subi’e anto). Bo ta yega cu speransa y determinacion pero asina cu bo cuminsa dal e prome pasonan cu tur e confiansa di mundo bo lo cuminsa...
I don’t care (anymore)

I don’t care (anymore)

Dear Diary, Let me tell you what happened the past two weeks because you weren’t the only one worried for me. I was worried for myself, to be quite honest. Nothing drastic; I just don’t want to get sick due to all my stress. The last time I wrote you, I...


“What do you think happened here?””It’s hard to tell at this time. Forensics hasn’t arrived yet.””Yes, but you have eyes, do you? You’re seeing what I’m seeing. So what does your gut tell...
This week was brutal

This week was brutal

Dear Diary, This week was brutal. I’ve worked every night, didn’t have enough time to spend with my family, didn’t whiff my dog’s cheese paws enough, and I’ve only seen four episodes of Breaking Bad (which is bad because that’s how...