‘Stiltes laten vallen’

‘Stiltes laten vallen’

Durante mi estudio di Pedagogia na Rotterdam, Hulanda, mi a haya algun modulo di comunicacion. Mi temporada faborito Alrededor di april, ora cu ya caba e flornan ta cuminsa sali, matanan ta bira mas berde y e paharitonan ta cuminsa canta mas trempan, mi a cuminsa cu...
Hell is a Teenage Girl

Hell is a Teenage Girl

Jennifer’s Body turns 15! I saw a post today on Facebook saying that Jennifer’s Body was released 15 years ago. Naturally, I checked if it was true since I’m skeptical about everything I read online. Turns out, it’s true. I remember being so...
‘Horns’ was a lot!

‘Horns’ was a lot!

TW/ sexual abuse/ assault By mid-July, I decided to have a “summerween” by reading something “dark”. I can’t remember if I told you all that I gathered many exciting books from my sister’s shelf at the beginning of the year, and...
E Serie Cu a Laga Tur Hende ta Pensa

E Serie Cu a Laga Tur Hende ta Pensa

TW/ abuso/ agresion sexual Wel… esnan cu a wak e anto.  ‘Baby Reindeer’ a sali dia 11 di april ultimo. Manera candela den un mondi hopi hende tabata papia di dje ariba medionan social. Ami mes no tabata sa di dje te ora cu mi a wak un post ariba un pagina di...