Tijd Voor de Billeshake

Tijd Voor de Billeshake

Disclaimer: If you are closed-minded, see things only in black and white, and lack critical thinking, this article is probably not for you. But if you disagree, please share your thoughts with me.  On an early Thursday, I put on the radio on my way to my...
No Internationals (Sorry) (Part 2)

No Internationals (Sorry) (Part 2)

By the end of July, when it was almost time to leave, my sister was still without a roof above her head. For a moment, we did think we got help from an online consultant for students who also helps students with housing; in the end, they basically robbed my sister for...
No Internationals (sorry) (Part 1)

No Internationals (sorry) (Part 1)

Yes, it’s that time of the year again. Soon the big blue bird will take the kids on their new journey. You know how you always hear the characters complain in movies about leaving home, and how it will never be the same, and that everything will change? Well,...
When You Leave a Job

When You Leave a Job

They say quitting a job is as painful as breaking up with a partner. The first time I heard that, I was baffled. I never could have imagined people comparing those things with each other. Work is work; you do a job and get paid for it. That was my initial thought. The...