Dear Diary, I've been busy this year. I haven't had much time to talk to you. There's just so many things I want to tell you. I feel different since the last time we spoke (for the better). I'm more...
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Everyone Tap In. Let’s See You At 21
Querido diario, Papiamento, claro cu si! Mi sa, e titulo ta zona straño y porta bo ta custuma lesa mi storianan na Ingles, pero e aña aki mi a dicidi di reta mi mes door di skirbi mas contenido na...
Do you dare…?
Dear Diary, It's been a few (crazy) months since I last wrote you. A lot has happened. My four blank walls and (mostly) myself have decided not to wait any longer and to just pour it out. I came to...
La Cosa Mas Bella
When I was about seven years old, my mom bought a CD, also known as a compact disc. It was very popular in the 90's. This time, she brought home the CD of this man who sung strangely. I couldn't...
I Didn’t do my Last Article Justice
Dear Diary, Last week I wrote something at the last minute. I didn't do it impulsively. I let my husband read it. He said not to change a thing. Still, I felt something was missing. You know me...
I don’t care (anymore)
Dear Diary, Let me tell you what happened the past two weeks because you weren't the only one worried for me. I was worried for myself, to be quite honest. Nothing drastic; I just don't want to get...
This week was brutal
Dear Diary, This week was brutal. I've worked every night, didn't have enough time to spend with my family, didn't whiff my dog's cheese paws enough, and I've only seen four episodes of Breaking Bad...
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I’m consuming (again)
No, peeps, it's not clickbait. I'm consuming again. Not the hard, scary, expensive shit. No, I'm...

1 Piggy, 4 Piggies
If you read my 2024 recap, you might remember me mentioning that I bought one guinea pig at the...

My L.G. Smith’s Steak & Chop House Aruba Review
For our anniversary, my husband and I went to L.G. Smith's Steak & Chop House, also known as...

Jammita’s 2024 Recap.
Dear Diary, I've been busy this year. I haven't had much time to talk to you. There's just so many...

A Wheek Before New Year’s
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Manda mi Dos Chick Papa Noel
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Indecent proposal?
In the last few weeks, I've been watching movies from the late 80s to the early 90s (not that...

My Childhood Room Isn’t Green Anymore
In case you didn't know, the color green is, to me, the most beautiful color in the world. There...

Stop di Haci Cos di Mucha Chikito!
Dia 20 di november tabata dia Internacional di Derecho di Mucha. Manera tur aña nos ta mira yen di...

Pickup Blanco Cu Trapi Patras
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