by jammita | Mar 31, 2024 | English, Non Fiction, Stories
My mom’s cousin gave me this book when I was 7. I loved reading it as a child because it had so many pictures on every page and was easy to read. One day, I took it to school, and I wanted the teacher to read a story or two in class. I remembered the teacher...
by jammita | Feb 25, 2024 | Books, POP Culture
Doing book reviews again! This year, I want to read more. Doesn’t matter what; I just want to read. If you have any recommendations, please let me know. Right now, I’m reading anything under the bookshelf of my little sister’s desk (my desk,...
by jammita | Feb 5, 2024 | Diary
Querido diario, Papiamento, claro cu si! Mi sa, e titulo ta zona straño y porta bo ta custuma lesa mi storianan na Ingles, pero e aña aki mi a dicidi di reta mi mes door di skirbi mas contenido na Papiamento. Mi ta bayendo un curso tur diasabra di Papiamento. Ayera mi...
by jammita | Dec 12, 2023 | Diary
Dear Diary, It’s been a few (crazy) months since I last wrote you. A lot has happened. My four blank walls and (mostly) myself have decided not to wait any longer and to just pour it out. I came to you the most this year when my head was packed and I had...
by jammita | Dec 12, 2023 | Diary
When I was about seven years old, my mom bought a CD, also known as a compact disc. It was very popular in the 90’s. This time, she brought home the CD of this man who sung strangely. I couldn’t stand his voice, but my parents seemed to love him....